Radek Dobáš

Head of Documentary Business Team
Česká spořitelna
Czech Republic

Radek Dobáš holds a master's degree in Economics (1995; major in International Trade) from the University of Economics, Praha, Czech Republic. In 1995 he started his professional career in the International Department of Creditanstalt, a.s. (later Bank Austria Creditanstalt, a.s.) in Praha as a documentary business specialist. In 1999 he was appointed as head of its documentary business team. He then joined Česká spořitelna, a.s. in 2001 to become member of its Trade Finance Department. Except short intermezzo in structured trade finance team (2002/2003), he has been loyal to the documentary business team, heading it since 2003. Year 2002 witnessed start of his membership in the ICC Banking Commission. He participates not only in its regular work (e.g. reviewing and commenting ICC documents), but also by giving lectures and joining panels at the seminars held by its national committee in the Czech Republic. As a part of activities within the ICC he was a member of working groups engaged in translations of ICC documents into Czech language (both UCP 500 and UCP 600, and also ISP 98) and commenting the draft Czech law of contracts (with respect to documentary-credit and collection contracts). As a member of the ISBP Consulting Group he actively took part in the revision resulting in ISBP Publication 745. Since 2004 he has been a member of DOCDEX Group of Experts within ICC Dispute Resolution Services.