Pavel Andrle

Managing Director
Trade Finance Consulting SRO
Czech Republic

Mr. Pavel Andrle is an international trade finance consultant and lecturer. He has worked for a number of leading local and international banks in various positions (for instance as trade finance specialist, head of trade finance, trade finance risk manager, in-house trainer). Frequent Lecturer in Documentary Credits, Bank Guarantees & Trade Finance for Bankovni Instititut Vysoka, Institute of Foreign Trade Transport & Forwarding, ICC CR and Economic Chamber of Commerce of Czech Republic. Regular facilitator in seminars abroad in English for ICC National Committees world-wide. He is and appointed ICC CR expert to reply to enquiries related to Documentary Credits and Trade and Structured Finance – development of technical assistance consultancy services of ICC CR to banks, carrier, insurance companies and traders. It includes advisory services and in-house technical assistance in banks and companies. He also serves as a DOCDEX Expert of ICC Centre for Expertise with ICC International Arbitration Court, ICC Paris.