Hasan Apaydin

Deputy CEO
A new Investment bank in the process of establishment 

I was born in Turkey on 10/12/1976. University of Istanbul, Faculty of Economics in English (1994-1999) Having MBA Business Experience More that 10 years Banking experience on: Documentary Credits and Collections, Standby Credits and Guarantees, Holding CDCS certificate since 2006. Member of ICC Commission on Banking Technique and Practice (Representing ICC Turkish National Committee). Member of ICC Task Force on Guarantees. ICC - International Centre for Expertise DOCDEX Expert on Documentary credits, Collections and Guarantees. Have given more than eighty seminars and trainings to bankers, export / import / guarantee customers on UCP600, ISP98, URC522, URR725, ISBP681, INCOTERMS2010, ICC Banking Commission Opinions and DOCDEX decisions under the frame of ICC Turkish National Committee. Translating publications of international rules such as UCP600, URR725, URDG758 and the others from English into Turkish in coordination with the collegues at the ICC Banking Commission in Turkey. Having taken DC MASTER, ISP MASTER, DC MENTOR, UPSKILL, EUCP, COLLECTIONS, URDG MASTER online trainings of Coastline solutions company and passed successfully all of them. Having given foreign trade lessons in certain Universities in Turkey Editor of a book on “Fraud in International Trade”. Writing a book called “Foreign Trade Dictionary”.